The birth of Sonam brand took place in a very moderate day. Mr. Jayesh Shah established Riddhi Enterprise in the tick-tick town of Morbi with a production of 250 pieces a day, in a rented area of 1000 sq. ft. Since day one, Mr Jayesh Sha had set the goal to take the brand on international level
Sonam planned to shift to its own premises of 7500 sq. ft. with two story building aggregating 15000 sq. ft. of area.
The new premises in a couple of year, Sonam reached a new height in production capacity of 5000 pieces of wall clock. 10000 pieces of Ganesh articles and 10000 pieces of alarm clocks with a strong distribution spread all over India by its 107 devoted stokes.
Sonam clock was registered and set up a limited company. Formally named Sonam Clock Private Limited, further branded as Sonam Quartz
All these years there are various types of wall clocks, alarm clocks and LED digital clocks has been produced by sonam clock Ltd. Also network of more than 150 distributors and 35000 retailers of Sonam are in there across India.